Working With Our Publisher

Working With Our Publisher

Working with our publisher the last several months has been an educational experience to say the least. In February we collaborated with the Production Editor and submitted our final edits. Once the copyeditor has cleaned up the manuscript, it will be sent to...
Helping our Canadian Neighbors

Helping our Canadian Neighbors

Suzanne, who is an NSDA (National Search Dog Alliance) Principal Evaluator, recently returned from a productive three-day trip to Mission, British Columbia where she tested K9 SAR teams wanting to get the NSDA HRD (human remains detection) Land Certification. Andy...
K9 Disaster Training At Menlo Park, California

K9 Disaster Training At Menlo Park, California

The Center for Forensic Training and Education and Spike’s K9 Fund disaster training at the Menlo Park rescue site in California was a great experience for Suzanne and Kili and included a fitness test, a talk by Michael Ellis and 4 training stations, each with...